Placing an order for amazing desktop wallpapers at The Desktop Wallpapers takes just a few quick and easy steps. First, browse our extensive collection organized by style, pattern, color, and more until you find the perfect design that speaks to you. Next, select your desired wallpaper size and formatting based on the device you wish to use it on. Add the desktop wallpaper to your cart once you’ve made your selections. When you’re ready, head to your cart and input your shipping address along with payment details. We accept all major credit cards. Make sure to apply any coupon codes you may have to receive special discounts. Finally, complete the checkout process by submitting your order. You’ll receive an order confirmation email with details and tracking information. Our convenient ordering process makes it simple to get beautiful, customizable desktop wallpapers delivered right to your door. Still have questions? Do not hesitate to contact our customer service team for guidance on ordering the desktop wallpaper of your dreams.